panduan ini sangat bermanfaat dan tentu harus dipatuhi untuk keselamatan dan kelancaran bersama.
Minggu, 15 Desember 2019
Tol layang Jakarta-Cikampek
Kemacetan yang sudah menahun di ruas tol Cikampek, mungkin akan segera teratasi.
Hati-hati saat melintas krn dibangun diatas ruas tol Cikampek, maka tiupan angin akan membuat mobik bisa oleng.
Pastikan kondisi kendaraan juga prima, karena tidak ada rest area.
Ayo...kita coba ya...
Selasa, 05 November 2019
Career growth
We are looking for employees working remotely.
My name is Susan, I am the personnel manager of a large International company.
Most of the work you can do from home, that is, at a distance.
Salary is $3500-$7000.
If you are interested in this offer, please visit Our Site
Best regards!
We are looking for employees working remotely.
My name is Susan, I am the personnel manager of a large International company.
Most of the work you can do from home, that is, at a distance.
Salary is $3500-$7000.
If you are interested in this offer, please visit Our Site
Best regards!
Minggu, 03 November 2019
Kuliner legendaris: Soto Blok M di jl Radio Dalam
Kemarin, pd saat saya Pondok Indah Mall tiba2 saja teringat makanan favorit yaitu Soto Blok M.
Kebetulan, memang sdh jam 18 30. Jadu, langsung saja, mobil saya arahkan ke jl RadioDalam.
Ya, sepertinya ini jalan kenangan. Ketika, pertama kali ke Jakarta sekitar th 1992 dan bekerja di perusahaan otomitif di Rado Dalam. Hampir tiap hari, jln ini muacettttt...terutama sore hari.
Tak terasa, sampailah di lokasi Soto Kudus Bkok M. Suasananya, hampir tak berubah...
Ketika saya menciba rasabya. wah masih seperti yg dulu...
Semakin malam, semakin rame yg dtg. Dan tentu sy senang bisa makan kembali di Soto Blok M..
Jumat, 25 Oktober 2019
Tol laut (2)
Penasaran dengan interior Tol Laut?...
Saya bersyukur bisa masuk ke dalam salah satu Tol Laut yg baru tiba dr galangan kapal di Batam..di Kupang, NTT.
Kalo saya lihat, cukup modern. Fasilitas di dalam ruang nahkoda..ada layar radar..beberapa alat komunikasi..yg menurut saya, sbg penumpang nggak usah ragu dgn keselamatan.
Juga, kapal sekoci..yg cukup untuk para penumpang.
So..ayo kita naik kapal..
Uniknya Kantor gubernur NTT
Uniknya bentuk kantir gubernur NTT Kupang...yaitu tepatnya di Jalan El Tari.
Apabya sih yg unik?...coba perhatikan. Beda dgn diasin kantir pd umumnya . Desain gedung ini berbentuk alat musik tradisional khas NTT, SASANDO.
Tiang tengah gedung terlihat seperti bambu dengan dawai-dawainya. Bagian kanan dan kiri seperti lipatan daun lontar dari mozaik kaca.
Tentu, hal ini jadi daya tarik tersendiri. Termasuk saya, yg langsung foto ...
Oleh-oleh dari Medan : Bakpao Aeng
Bagi pecinta kuliner...jika ke Medan...hemmm mesti coba Bakpao yg satu ini.
Namanya Bakpao Aeng...kalo di bikabg rasa...wah mantul alias mmantap betul.
Isinya,ya pasti daging cincang babi. Tapi lebih banyak daging dr pada kulitnya. Dijamin, makan satu saja sudah kenyang..ha.ha..
yang penasaran dgn alamatnya:
Senin, 21 Oktober 2019
Bersama Indonesia maju dengan birokrasi yang melayani rakyat
Banyaknya keluhan bahwa proses birokrasi di Indonesia lama...berbelit - belit...tidak jelas.
Sehingga untuk urus surat2...baik KTP,Surat Ijin Usaha, NPWP ,dll perlu kesabaran , harus segera di hilangkan .
Benar, bila kita bandingkan dgn beberapa wajtu sebelumnya sudah banyak berubah. Tapi, budaya agar birokrasi memperhatikan kepuasan rakyat perku terus ditingkatkan.
Kenapa? ya, ini untuk menghindari praktek pungli, korupsi...salah satubya dgn teknologi.
On-line proses..shg besarnya biaya dan juga perkiraan selesai bisa diketahui.
Bersama Indonesia maju melalui inovasi
Untuk mencapai perubahan yg cepat maka perlu INOVASI.
artinya, kita harus segera melakukan perubahan policy, undang_ undang, dsb. agar proses TRANSFORMASI berjalan cepat.
Proses birokrasi harus line..shg PRIDUKTIVITAS akan meningkat.
Bersama Indonesia Maju melalui Visi jangka panjang
Salah satu Tugas Pemimpin adalah menentukan visi Janaka panjang. Dan pak Jokowi sudah mencanangkan, bahwa ditahun 2045 bangsa Indonesia harus telah Keluar dari jebakan pendapatan Kelas menengah.
Bersama Indonesia maju yg berorientasi pada hasil
Nah, untuk menjadi bangsa yg besar dan maju...harus melalui perubahan RADIKAL.
Tudak bisa dgn cara yg biasa..harus dgn cara LAIN yg LUAR BIASA dan BERBEDA.
Setiap aktifitas harus diukur dgn dampak ke HASIL.. tentu, perlu cara untuk mengetahui aktual lapangan yaitu dgn GENBA atau LIHAT dan CEK KONDISI AKTUAL DI LAPANGAN.
Bersama Indonesia maju melalui pembangunan SDM
Yg menarik dari pidato pertama pak Jokowi setelah pelantikan adalah mengenai pentingnya pembangunan SDM.
Nah ini adalah pekerjaan yg berat krn tidaklah mudah untuk merubah pola kerja yg sudah bertahun-tahun.
Perlu dukungan dari Top Level...agar proses perubahan bisa berlangsung baik.
Yes, we can!
Presiden RI 2019-2024
Pelantikan presiden & wakil presiden terpilih 2019-2024 berlangsung dg lancar. .juga dihadiri oleh mantan presiden dan wakil presiden sebelumnya.
Tampak Bu Mega, pak SBY...juga Pak Hamzah Has..pak Budiono.
Tentu yg ditunggu-tunggu adalah pak Prabowo dan pak Sandiago Uno sbg rival th ini...
Kita tunggu, susunan kabinet pak Jokowi ke 2...
Minggu, 20 Oktober 2019
High danger. Your account was attacked.
Hi, dear user of
We have installed one RAT software into you device
For this moment your email account is hacked too.
I know your password. I logged in to your account and wrote this letter to you from there.
Changed your password? You're doing great!
But my software recognizes every such action. I'm updating passwords!
I'm always one step ahead....
So... I have downloaded all confidential information from your system and I got some more evidence.
The most interesting moment that I have discovered are videos records where you masturbating.
I posted EternalBlue Exploit modification on porn site, and then you installed my malicious code (trojan) on your operation system.
When you clicked the button Play on porn video, at that moment my trojan was downloaded to your device.
After installation, your front camera shoots video every time you masturbate, in addition, the software is synchronized with the video you choose.
For the moment, the software has harvrested all your contact information from social networks and email addresses.
If you need to erase all of your collected data and videos, send me $725 in BTC (crypto currency).
This is my Bitcoin wallet: 158r99HsERpiBqWg3w2FCPHbUfkXG8Zxsd
You have 48 hours after reading this letter.
After your transaction I will erase all your data.
Otherwise, I will send a video with your sweepstakes to all your colleagues, friends and relatives!!!
P.S. I ask you not to reply to this email, this is impossible (the sender's address is your own address).
And henceforth be more careful!
Please visit only secure sites!
We have installed one RAT software into you device
For this moment your email account is hacked too.
I know your password. I logged in to your account and wrote this letter to you from there.
Changed your password? You're doing great!
But my software recognizes every such action. I'm updating passwords!
I'm always one step ahead....
So... I have downloaded all confidential information from your system and I got some more evidence.
The most interesting moment that I have discovered are videos records where you masturbating.
I posted EternalBlue Exploit modification on porn site, and then you installed my malicious code (trojan) on your operation system.
When you clicked the button Play on porn video, at that moment my trojan was downloaded to your device.
After installation, your front camera shoots video every time you masturbate, in addition, the software is synchronized with the video you choose.
For the moment, the software has harvrested all your contact information from social networks and email addresses.
If you need to erase all of your collected data and videos, send me $725 in BTC (crypto currency).
This is my Bitcoin wallet: 158r99HsERpiBqWg3w2FCPHbUfkXG8Zxsd
You have 48 hours after reading this letter.
After your transaction I will erase all your data.
Otherwise, I will send a video with your sweepstakes to all your colleagues, friends and relatives!!!
P.S. I ask you not to reply to this email, this is impossible (the sender's address is your own address).
And henceforth be more careful!
Please visit only secure sites!
Sabtu, 05 Oktober 2019
Hackers know password from your account. Password must be changed now.
As you may have noticed, I sent you an email from your account.
This means that I have full access to your device.
I've been watching you for a few months now.
The fact is that you were infected with malware through an adult site that you visited.
If you are not familiar with this, I will explain.
Trojan Virus gives me full access and control over a computer or other device.
This means that I can see everything on your screen, turn on the camera and microphone, but you do not know about it.
I also have access to all your contacts and all your correspondence.
Why your antivirus did not detect malware?
Answer: My malware uses the driver, I update its signatures every 4 hours so that your antivirus is silent.
I made a video showing how you satisfy yourself in the left half of the screen, and in the right half you see the video that you watched.
With one click of the mouse, I can send this video to all your emails and contacts on social networks.
I can also post access to all your e-mail correspondence and messengers that you use.
If you want to prevent this,
transfer the amount of $832 to my bitcoin address (if you do not know how to do this, write to Google: "Buy Bitcoin").
My bitcoin address (BTC Wallet) is: 1C1ehibCgeuLwF4VbSAzoDapDLbKtjivbP
After receiving the payment, I will delete the video and you will never hear me again.
I give you 50 hours (more than 2 days) to pay.
I have a notice reading this letter, and the timer will work when you see this letter.
Filing a complaint somewhere does not make sense because this email cannot be tracked like my bitcoin address.
I do not make any mistakes.
If I find that you have shared this message with someone else, the video will be immediately distributed.
Best regards!
As you may have noticed, I sent you an email from your account.
This means that I have full access to your device.
I've been watching you for a few months now.
The fact is that you were infected with malware through an adult site that you visited.
If you are not familiar with this, I will explain.
Trojan Virus gives me full access and control over a computer or other device.
This means that I can see everything on your screen, turn on the camera and microphone, but you do not know about it.
I also have access to all your contacts and all your correspondence.
Why your antivirus did not detect malware?
Answer: My malware uses the driver, I update its signatures every 4 hours so that your antivirus is silent.
I made a video showing how you satisfy yourself in the left half of the screen, and in the right half you see the video that you watched.
With one click of the mouse, I can send this video to all your emails and contacts on social networks.
I can also post access to all your e-mail correspondence and messengers that you use.
If you want to prevent this,
transfer the amount of $832 to my bitcoin address (if you do not know how to do this, write to Google: "Buy Bitcoin").
My bitcoin address (BTC Wallet) is: 1C1ehibCgeuLwF4VbSAzoDapDLbKtjivbP
After receiving the payment, I will delete the video and you will never hear me again.
I give you 50 hours (more than 2 days) to pay.
I have a notice reading this letter, and the timer will work when you see this letter.
Filing a complaint somewhere does not make sense because this email cannot be tracked like my bitcoin address.
I do not make any mistakes.
If I find that you have shared this message with someone else, the video will be immediately distributed.
Best regards!
Selasa, 24 September 2019
Tuntutan mahasiswa di demo hari ini
Apa sih yg di tuntut temen2 mahasiswa...rupanya masih ada juga yg bingung...xi.xi...
Yg penting ikut solidaritas...sudah berjuang juga.
Peluang bisnis diantara demo mahasiswa
Hari ini, demo mahasiswa pecah...dan ada saja yang bisa buat kita senyum2...
Hanya mereka yang jeli dengan peluang bisnis ..yang akan sukses...
Senin, 23 September 2019
Makan cantik di JHL Gading Serpong
JHL Hotel merupakan hotel bintang 5 di Gading Serpong. Nah saya coba salah satu restonya yaitu Mangan.
Ketika saya telepon, katanya tidak buka setiap hari. Hanya Sabtu dan Minggu...jadi saya reservasi dulu saja. Takut penuh...
Dan memang, di Sabtu malam..ada yg sudah reservasi juga untuk perayaan ultah...ataupun dinner dgn keluarga besar.
Menunya..Indonesia Food, kayak Sop Iga, nasi kuning, gado2..
tapi juga tersedia Sushi...hem ...siapkan perut kosong saja deh..suoaya puas makannya.
bahkan yg suka dgn masakan pasta...ayo, cobain deh.
Menurut saya, enak-enak kok. Sangat reccomended deh..
Senin, 09 September 2019
Peraturan ganjil genap2019
Pemerintah merevisi luas yg akan ter kena ganjil genap.
Ada beberapa ruas tanbahan...
Hati2 dlm melintas...
Minggu, 08 September 2019
Dalam sebuah pengajian di sebuah Pondok Pesantren di Solo Raya, seorang Jama'ah bertanya pada Kyai.
Jamaah :
"Jika kita melihat negara lain di luar, kelihatannya lebih maju dan lebih makmur dari kita. Bagaimana pandangan Pak Kyai tentang hal ini ?"
Pak Kyai : "Contone negoro sing luwih maju seko awak'e dewe ki sing endi ?"
Jamaah :
"Amerika Pak Kyai"
Pak Kyai :
*"Amerika sing luwih maju opone ?"*
Jama'ah pun tertawa semua.
Pak Kyai melanjutkan :
"Tak kandani yo, nang Amerika kuwi kelas Professor ki hp-ne Nokia lawas. Neng kene tukang batu wis duwe Smartphone. Aku ra ngerti Amerika kok arani luwih maju ki apane. Daya beli mereka rendah. Mereka gajinya besar tapi barang mahal. Nang kene ra duwe gaji wani rabi.
Indonesia daya belinya dahsyat. Nek ra percoyo njajal nang Singapura.
Nek ono toko sing blonjo wong Indonesia, regane diundakno.
Nang Mekkah, nang Vietnam, awake dewe blonjo mesti regane diundakke, soalnya mereka menganggap semua orang Indonesia kaya.
Amerika apane sing luwih maju ?.
Nang Jepang ra iso wong biasa tuku motor. Nang kene modal 500 ewu motor diter-terke tekan ngomah.
Nang Jepang yo kowe angel golek konco ro tonggo, opo meneh nek kulitmu warnane bedo. Nang kene angger jeh apal Pancasila, kuwi koncomu kabeh, kuwi sedulurmu kabeh. Opone sing luwih maju ?
Nang kene kowe ndelok Liga Inggris, Liga Spanyol, Liga Champion sak karepmu.
Nang Inggris kowe kudu mbayar, malah ono sing inden ngasi telung sasi ming arep ndelok bal-balan Liga Inggris.
Koyo ngono kok luwih maju !!!
Kowe nang Malaysia, nang Vietnam, nang Thailand, nginepo nang hotel po losmen.
Jam rolas mbengi metuo, golekko mie rebus, golekko udud, golekko kopi. Ra ono, wis do tutup kabeh, ra ono wong metu. Nang Solo kene wayah jam loro bengi malah wiwit metu gudeg ceker Margoyudan. Opone sing luwih maju ?
Nang Solo kene ono pirang macem sambel. Khususe nang jalan Mas Said, warung kuliner sedio 40 macam sambel
Pendak warung bedo panganane.
Macem-macem, ngasik mumet ndasmu lek mikir.
Nang Eropa kono, seko pucuk elor Norwegia tekan pucuk kidul Spanyol badogane podo, njelehi.
Ngono kuwi luwih maju ?.
Nang Cino, kowe gawe anak mung oleh siji thok. Punjul seko siji dicekel diinterogasi pemerintah.
Nang kene omah jeh ngontrak pendak dino gawe anak.
Ngendi negoro sing luwih maju ?
Seluruh dunia, yang bisa mensyukuri keberadaan daun pisang mung wong Jowo.
Godong gedang isoh dadi pincuk, taqir, dadi suru, dadi lontong, lemper, arem-arem lan sak piturute.
Di saat negara lain berlomba membuat produk bungkus makanan ramah lingkungan, wong Jowo wis ket jaman kuno nggawe produk sing ramah lingkungan kuwi.
Aku nek pas dolan luar negeri rung tau nemoni biting.
Onone mung staples.
Loh....mbok kiro biting ki gampang.
Mbiyen butuh beratus tahun nggo nemokke biting.
Saiki gampang... mung gari niru.
Mung seko biting wae isoh ndadekke sugih mblegedu. Iso gawe industry gede.
Negoro ngendi sing luwih maju ?
Awak'e dewe ki negoro sing paling disayang "Gusti Allah", rasah minder.
Bangga'o karo negoromu dewe... Bangunen...
Ben anak cucumu ngrasakke... Sadaro yo... Seng akor karo dulure kabeh
"Kemajuan mereka hanya kemajuan semu".
Ayo Sedulur ndang podo sadar o... lan bersyukur o.....
Minggu, 01 September 2019
menu di Blue Jasmine...
Menu yg favorite adalah gurumeh sambel mata dan sayurnya kangkung kering.
wah ,,nggak nyesel saya jauh-jauh dr Tangerang. 1 jam perjalanan..
Tapi layanannya cepat..dan juga mereka sangat ramah.
Minggu, 07 Juli 2019
Es duren purbalingga
Wouw...kalo sudah coba..pasti ketagihan.
Rasa ada susu...dicampur santan. Maknyus tenan..
#es duren Purbalingga.
Makan siang di Furama Restaurant Purwokerto
Salah satu tempat chinese food restautant di Purwokerto adalah Furama.
Tempatnya bisa untuk jumlah besar...juga makanannya enak...
Bisa untuk rekomendasi...
Makan di Cuppa Coffe Gading Serpong
Sekarang jamannya bayar pakai gopay,ovo dan juga dana..
kalo ada yg kasih discount..ngapain bayar yg harga normal?
nah di cuppa coffee gading serpong, kita bisa nikmati makan, minum dgn harga yang mantul alias mantap betul..
Sabtu, 01 Juni 2019
Beli sparepart Hino di Posko Mudik 2019
Di saat musin liburan tiba dan kendaraan Hino diharuskan dalam kondisi prima maka perawatan adalah kuncinya.
Ganti oli harus diperhatikan dan selalu gunakan Oli Hino yang genuine.
Nah, mampirlah ke Posko Mudik Lebaran 2019 dan dapatkan sparepart Fast Moving.
Pastikan kendaraan Hino anda selalu prima...untuk mudik aman dan nyaman.
Rabu, 01 Mei 2019
Hokkaido Cheese Toast
Trending makanan Jepang..salah satunya Hokkaido Cheese Toast..
Mah, kalo beli pakai 20%. Pakai Ovo..cashback 30%
tinggal pilih pakai kartu apa..sesuai kebutuhan saja..
Djim Sum Wing Heng di Pluit
Mau menikmati Djim Sum? Yang ini buka 24 jam. Jadi kapan saja, kita bisa mampir.
Saran saya sih, jangan pas jam makan karena antriannya sangat panjang.
Tentu makanannya hanya Djim Sum saja. Tinggal pilih menunya..dan tunggu..Djim Sumnya di sajikan...
Selasa, 16 April 2019
Berdua ajah..di Plataran Menteng
Ini foto abis Dinner..lokasi di Plataran Menteng Resto.
Makanannya tentu khas Indonesia..Good taste...good place.
How to go Odaiba
From Haneda Airport: 35 minutes by Limousine Bus, or 45 minutes by train
From Narita Airport: one hour 35 minutes by Limousine Bus, or one hour 55 minutes by train
From Shinjuku Station: Take the Toei Oedo Line to Shiodome and transfer to the Yurikamome Line to Odaiba-Kaihinkoen Station (around 45 minutes). Alternatively, take the JR Saikyo Line direct to Tokyo Teleport Station (22 minutes).
From Tokyo Station: Take the JR Yamanote Line to Shimbashi Station, and transfer to the Yurikamome Line to Odaiba-Kaihinkoen Station (around 30 minutes).
Enjoy..and Odaiba
State of Liberty at Odaiba
Inilah lokasi favorit untuk foto di Odaiba. Tentu dgn latarbelakang Rainbow Bridge....dgn patung Liberti..
Odaiba...Rainbow Bridge
Accessed via the Rainbow Bridge or the futuristic Yurikamome train, Odaiba is a high-tech entertainment hub on an artificial island in Tokyo Bay.Visitors head to the beach at Seaside Park, enjoy Mt. Fuji views from the Daikanransha Ferris wheel, and interact with robots at the Miraikan science museum.
Malls include Aqua City and the Venice-themed VenusFort, and there are sushi bars with views along the waterfront.
DescriptionAccessed via the Rainbow Bridge or the futuristic Yurikamome train, Odaiba is a high-tech entertainment hub on an artificial island in Tokyo Bay. Visitors head to the beach at Seaside Park, enjoy Mt. Fuji views from the Daikanransha Ferris wheel, and interact with robots at the Miraikan science museum. Malls include Aqua City and the Venice-themed VenusFort, and there are sushi bars with views along the waterfront.
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